Welcome to yournaa-saucommunity |
WELCOME BACK, login with your primary email address and password. The email address you receive NAA communications to is your primary email. Forgot your password? Click on the icon below to reset your password. |
Greetings Falcons, Welcome to our Membership integrated membership database and website. This new platform allows the National Alumni Association of Saint Augustine's University, Inc, (NAA-SAU) to provide alums with an integrated and efficient tool to manage alumni data. We have integrated our staugalumni.com page and Wild Apricot Membership database to enable access to both at one location! In addition to accessing the standard information, alums will also be able to:
We welcome you to our new Membership Experience via this platform and are excited to move the management of NAA-SAU forward! If you paid dues last year, received email correspondences from NAA-SAU, or are a life member, to login, use your email address (Username) and Password to access our system. If you forget your password, click the Forgot password link and follow instructions. Check your e-mail as a temporary password will be emailed to you. Be sure to check your spam if you don't receive the email within 15 minutes. If you do not receive an email, please contact our Membership Chair via e-mail at joinsaunaa@gmail.com. |
Message from the PresidentWelcome to your National Alumni Association webpage Wherever you are and whatever commitments you have made in life, we hope that you will continue to remain a part of Saint Augustine’s University family and maintain an active interest in your Alma Mater. As proud members of the National Alumni Association we share a common bond connected to the place we love so dear. The NAA is committed to providing lifelong engagement through our personal friendships with each other, through our meetings, annual events, and ongoing programs. As proud Falcons we give, network, and volunteer our time in support of the University. Please take a moment to visit this webpage to become a member or to renew your membership. To make a connection to a local Chapter near you, please visit this link. Our local Chapters will welcome you or reclaim you with open hearts when you spend time with your Falcon family. If there is not a Chapter near you and you are interested in chartering a chapter, please contact us at our email address. Stay connected! I invite you to explore our webpage and stay connected! Dr. Johnelle L. Sherald, '76 President, National Alumni Association | The Membership Committee of the National Alumni Association of Saint Augustine's University is pleased to bring you "What Does St. Aug Mean to You?" series where we will feature alumni sharing their thoughts on our beloved alma mater, Saint Augustine's University.
If you would like to share what St. Aug means to you in a video or written submission, please send an email to JoinSAUNAA@gmail.com. Along with your video or written response, please include your name, class year, and your current profession. Written responses should include photo of the alum. Alumni ConnectionsWherever you are, you're a Falcon. Your connection to this university does not end when you graduate. When you participate in the Saint Augustine's National Alumni Association, you're not just giving back to a school - you're supporting a community and a vibrant, growing network. Volunteer With NAA!!!! |
NAA MOBILE APP Wherever you go, keep NAA-SAU in your pocket. Download the free SAU Members app and log in. Features Download the App The free SAU Alumni app is available on the App Store or on Google Play. Use the direct download links or search “Wild Apricot for Members.” | Visit our Alumni Store! Our mission is to enhance and renew the lifelong SAU experience for all alumni, whoever they are and wherever they may be. We strive to inspire new ideas, affiliations, friendships, professional fulfillment, and acts of service, around the world. Show your support — buy NAA~SAU gear! | The Bird’s Eye View features timely information about campus life and events, as well as opportunities for involvement and enrichment. Subscribe now to stay up-to-date on all the happenings at Saint Augustine’s University. |
Falcon Pride Personified! |
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